Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Kelly, great thoughts! I really enjoyed your essay.

You liked Misha a lot more than I did. I found him really annoying at times. Not as annoying as Janina, but still annoying. Maybe this just proves that I am not a great kid person. Love my own kids, but as a general rule, I find most other kids a bother.

My favorite character was Uri. First, he didn't have to help Misha. He fed him, took care of him, and tried to keep him out of trouble. I felt so sorry for Uri when he tried and tried to get Misha to understand how to act to stay out of trouble, only for Misha to do whatever the heck he wanted. Of course, Misha had been on his own as long as he could remember. He wasn't exactly trained up to be obedient. On the other hand, some kids just walk their own way. Wyatt was like that.

Back to the point. First Uri took care of Misha, then he warned him about the train, and then, at great personal risk, he helped Misha escape the train. All by choice--there was no family obligation. Another example of people creating their own families out of a need for a family.

Also, I think it is harsh to judge Janina's mother. The uncle became amoral and denied his faith and heritage. I find it easy to point a finger at him and call him weak. However, Janina's mother was not physically strong, and she did not have hope to sustain her. I can't really bring myself to believe that an inability to hope is weakness. Certainly the flip is true: that an ability to hope is a strength, but realists aren't necessarily weak. She crumbled, yes, but she did not become a "bad" person. I wouldn't lump her with the uncle--I think that is unfair. I would, however, lump the uncle with the Jews who worked for the Nazis against other Jews.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You're probably right about Janina's mother. I didn't like her - she drove me crazy!

And I am like you! Other people's kids often drive me bananas, and they are never as cute as my own kids. :-) Janina I felt sorry for. She acted exactly as I would expect a child in her situation to act. Which is partly why I liked Misha better. In the beginning he seemed really stupid and dumb to me, but I decided I like his naive, stupid cheerfulness as opposed to the mean attitudes displayed by others.