Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Okay--I checked my library for How Capitalism Saved America and they don't have it, and I checked for Guns, Germs, Steel and they don't have it, and I checked for the Hawkins one and they don't have it. I put Eve and the Choice Made in Eden on hold but it might be awhile.

My point: we're taking a vote on the first book we'll be reading from the books I have in my house. Vote for your #1 choice and your #2 choice.

A) Les Mis
B) Kim
C) Robinson Crusoe

My choice #1 is Kim and my choice #2 is Robinson Crusoe. (I don't want to start Les Mis until after March when I get the next Megan Whalen Turner--I'm weird like that. But, if that is the vote, I'm okay with it!)

Our second book choice will be Eve and the Choice Made in Eden. Hopefully that will give everyone a chance obtain a copy. After that--Guns, Germs, and Steel. I'll have to get my sister to get it from Weber State or something. I'm making it third so we all have ample time to track down a copy.

As for missions--I think it is a bogus idea completely. Our mission is pretty clearly delineated in the scriptures. We came to work out our salvation and help as many people as we can work out their salvation. If we're living like we're supposed to, then we are instruments in God's hands to do whatever he wants us to do. It is no suprise that people pursue various interests and have a desire to pursue a variety of interests. Magnifying our talents is part of what God wants us to do. TJEd's lame-o focus on "personal missions" is just another way they've complicated what was originally a simple and straightforward education philosophy while muddling up doctrine at the same time.

Essentially what Kami said--I'm just super grumpy this morning so I said it straight out. Don't worry, she'll reprimand me and give me a lecture on tact.

I still plan on reading those sources you sent us, though, Ju.

I really love this blog and all you people. Just so you know.

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