Wednesday, May 15, 2013

RS/YW Combined Activity

Here's what we decided to do for this session of our semi-annual combined RS/YW.  The value was education and our Bishop wants most of our activities to have to do with self-reliance.

Theme of Activities: Self-Reliance and the value Knowledge

May 28th, Financial Self-Reliance: The YW and the RS sisters who adopted them will hear from the Dean of the College of Education at Weber State about the necessity for women to have an education that will provide the financial support necessary for a family.  Following the speaker, the YW will have an opportunity to hear from a panel of women with diverse career skills and ask the panelists questions about their career choices and how well their careers work with mothering.

June 4, Self-Reliance through Basic Life Skills: ALL RELIEF SOCIETY SISTERS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.  This is our June Enrichment night,although it is a Tuesday night and not a Wednesday night.  We will start off the evening with a life-skills rendition of The Price is Right.  Following the game, our YW will have an opportunity to visit the displays put up by the RS sisters demonstrating the numerous life skills necessary to fulfill our earthly missions well.  We hope to encourage our YW to take every opportunity to learn because all knowledge is valuable and blesses ourselves, our families, and our communities.

June 11, Spiritual Self-Reliance: The girls will participate in three round-table discussions concerning the three ways our church leaders have asked them to step-up their game and start building the kingdom and their testimonies at younger ages.  These three ways are: 1) be prepared for and participate in Sunday discussions as per the new youth curriculum; 2) be prepared to serve a mission (whether or not you end up serving one); 3) participate in family history work and serve in the temple more frequently.  After the round-table discussions the girls will join together in the primary room for a musical number, testimony bearing, and a special gift from the RS sisters to our RS sisters-in-training.

(We bought the girls a scripture journal from the Red-headed Hostess.  You get a discounted price for YW groups.)

And yes, the Dean of the College of Education at Weber is my dad.  He has some pretty sad stories about women trying to go back to school with numerous children and no income to speak of.  I hope this goes well.  We're envisioning a kind of science fair project look for the June 4th activity.  I'm putting together a display about how much money we save because I make my own bread and I'll have bread samples there.  We have people signed up for lots of fun things, from crocheting to gardening to laundry soap making to toilet bowl cleaning.  Awesome.

We'll see how it goes.  :)

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