Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fnished with Screwtape Letters

Well, I finished last night. I wrote down a few thoughts in my notebook - things that seem pertinent to me right now. I have actually never read this all the way through before. Now I can say I have!

I read a little essay written by C.S. Lewis about his experience writing this book, and what led to the writing of "Screwtape Proposes a Toast". I don't know if this essay is included in all copies. Mine is a compilation of several of C.S. Lewis's works. I can imagine that putting yourself in the place of thinking like the devil would be a really strange, odd experience. One that you would not be in a hurry to repeat.

There's definitely a reason that C.S. Lewis is so quoted by General Authorities. He has a very logical understanding of God that is not marred by common religious misconceptions. I enjoy reading him.

I don't have any brilliant thoughts to post. I think we've all gotten kind of bogged down in our various lives and have put our book club on hold. Personally, I'm looking forward to reading "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" as I love that book and know little about the two listed before it.

Hope you're all doing well. Happy reading!

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